Eyebrow Microblading & Saline Removal Aftercare Instructions
Follow the Instructions below to maximize Results.
Blot the area every 15 minutes using a damp cotton swab or saline wipe for the first 1-2 hours. (This will help reduce dramatic scabbing. Micro bladed eyebrows may initially look darker due to scabbing. These scabs will fall off.)
Day 1: Before bed gently wipe each eyebrow with a saline wipe. Then apply a grain sized thin layer of A&D Ointment with a cotton swab. Your eyebrows should not look shiny or greasy. Put a clean pillowcase on your pillow before going to bed.
Day 2 & 3: Gently wipe each eyebrow with a saline wipe, then apply a grain sized thin layer of unscented lotion with a cotton swab. Again, eyebrows should not look shiny or greasy.
For the first 2 weeks keep eyebrows as clean and dry as possible to prevent a thick scab from forming. (only cleaning with saline wipes, avoiding any type of facial or scented cleansers)
Avoid shower water running directly over face.
Avoid steamy baths & showers, saunas, steam rooms, & swimming pools.
Avoid intense sweaty exercise. Light exercise is okay after the 4th day.
Avoid direct sunlight. Wear a hat or use a sun umbrella.
Avoid Tanning Beds.
Avoid heavy household cleaning such as the basement where there could be a lot of airborne debris.
Avoid driving in open air vehicles such as motorcycles & convertibles.
Avoid creams & serums that contain Retin-A or Glycolic Acid.
Avoid antibiotic creams & ointments.
Avoid laser or chemical treatments including facial peels.
Avoid alcohol & smoking.
Avoid touching, picking at, scratching & rubbing your eyebrows. Itching & flaking may appear during the first several days after the procedure. However, most people have shown that by following the aftercare instructions, these symptoms disappear quickly.
After scabs have fallen off the skin will be pink/red & may appear to look thin/delicate. This is a sign of skin regeneration. The color will return to normal within a few days. (This may cause your newly micro bladed eyebrows to appear faded, but the color will return & results will be apparent approximately 30 days after the procedure.)
Contact your physician immediately if any signs of infection develop such as fever, redness or swelling around site, red streaks going from the procedure to the heart, and/or green/yellow foul-smelling discharge.
Aftercare healing process takes 4-6 weeks depending on your body & adherence to the aftercare instructions. Once completely healed, always apply a layer of sunscreen to eyebrows when exposed to the sun.
For initial microblading, after 6 weeks you will have your retouch session & follow these instructions again. 6 weeks after your retouch session, if your results are still not satisfactory, reach out for a third session. Some people require additional sessions depending on how well your skin holds the pigment.
For saline removal, after 6 weeks you can schedule an additional session if needed & follow these instructions again.
Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Call or Text home base tattoo at 570.728.0381